16 September, 2008

Definition Records and Documents

Documents in any form, created or received by an agency or person, accumulated in the normal conduct of business or affairs, and retained as evidence of such activity, permanently or for a limited period of time, usually arranged according to a discernible system of recordkeeping. See also: active records, electronic records, housekeeping records, inactive records, intermediate records, machine-readable records, official records, program records, records management, temporary records, time-expired records, and vital records.

A generic term for a physical entity consisting of any substance on which is recorded all or a portion of one or more works for the purpose of conveying or preserving knowledge. In the words of the communication theorist Marshall McLuhan, a document is the "medium" in which a "message" (information) is communicated. Document formats include manuscripts, print publications (books, pamphlets, periodicals, reports, maps, prints, etc.), microforms, nonprint media, electronic resources, etc. Abbreviated doc. See also: core document, documentary editing, document delivery service, false document, government documents, and internal document.

Sumber: ODLIS

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