- Bibliographic Control : A broad term encompassing all the activities involved in creating, organizing, managing, and maintaining the file of bibliographic records representing the items held in a library or archival collection, or the sources listed in an index or database, to facilitate access to the information contained in them. Bibliographic control includes the standardization of bibliographic description and subject access by means of uniform catalog code, classification systems, name authorities, and preferred headings; the creation and maintenance of catalogs, union lists, and finding aids; and the provision of physical access to the items in the collection. (ODLIS)
- Book in Print, http://www.booksinprint.com/bip/
- APAIS, http://www.nla.gov.au/apais/
- MLA, http://www.mla.org/
- Derwent World Patents Index, http://scientific.thomsonreuters.com/products/dwpi/
- Art Index, http://www.artindex.com/home/index.asp
- Biological Abstract, http://www.ovid.com/site/catalog/DataBase/24.jsp
15 September, 2008
Tugas OI
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Tugas: Bibliografi dan Indeks (tercetak)
ReplyDeleteRiko & Rland memilih
Bibliografi: Philippine National Bibliography 1990 dan Indeks:Indeks Makalah Konferensi, Lokakarya, Seminar dan sejenisnya di Indonesia 1988